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In order for forms to be routed to the COB - Student Documents queue in Perceptive, they must first be scanned and linked to a particular student record in Colleague. Once linked, Perceptive can "screen scrape" data from Colleague (user names of advisor, chair, dean, etc) to route the form through the COB internship form queues. The following instructions apply to the Advising and Practical Experience Coordinator and COB staff that may assist with experiental learning.

Colleague Screens

  • XRIA


This process requires the desktop version of Perceptive (Perceptive Client). See IT to have this software installed. 

Helpful Links


  1. Open Perceptive client, and login using your Valpo username and password. 
  2. You will have a small window with several menu options to choose from like the one below. You want to open the Workflow option. The first time you open workflow, click the small arrow to the right of "workflow" and select Scan & Link. This sets your default to scan & link so that every time you open workflow, you can see this drawer first. 
  3. You can also navigate through the Perceptive drawers and folders similarly to windows file explorer. Use the plus and minus signs to open and close "drawers" to view content.   You will want the Scan & Link drawer open for this process. 
  4. Click the document you want to work on. The queue is automatically sorted by the amount of time the form has been in the queue, from most to least recent. For greater efficiency, sort the documents by type before beginning. That way you can work on each document type all together. 
    To sort by a certain column heading, simply click the heading at the top (a small triangle/arrow will appear next to the column heading to indicate which is being used to sort, as well as the direction of the sorting. )
    1. Sorted by time in queue: 
    2. Sorted by document type: 
  5. Open document from workflow by double-clicking on it. Use the blue arrows (or ctrl-page up, ctrl-page down) to navigate between pages and/or documents. Scroll past the initial cover page to find page containing actual form, which will list student’s information for lookup.
    1.  screen shot of document 
  6. After opening document, make sure properties window is visible in Perceptive—this is what we use to scrape info; from Colleague; to toggle Properties pane on/off, click “view” and check/uncheck “properties” from the menu.
    screen shot of properties window
  7. Determine which Colleague screen you will use to link this document type. Each document will need specific information available on either XRIA or XRIC. The general rule of thumb: XRIA is used for petitions that are program specific. XRIC is used for petitions that are course specific. 
    1. Academic Course Overload - XRIA
    2. Audit a Course - XRIC
    3. CAPS: Exception to the Stated Graduation Requirements - XRIA
    4. CAPS: Registration Change After the Deadline - XRIC
    5. Change Sections of a Course After the Deadline - XRIC
    6. Concurrent Enrollment - XRIA
    7. Curriculum Change - XRIA
    8. Independent Academic Work - XRIC
    9. Individualized Program - XRIA
    10. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading - XRIC
    11. Time Conflict Permission - XRIC
    12. Transfer Credit Approval - XRIA
    13. Verification Request - XRIA
    14. OGE - Study Abroad Course Planning Form - XRIA

Note: If student record not active

If a student does not have an active academic program (e.g. Readmission or similar scenario), or if a course does not have an assigned instructor you may need to manually populate those fields in order for the form to route properly. Be sure to use the correct Colleague abbreviation or username.

  1. After determining the appropriate Colleague screen, bring up either XRIC or XRIA in Colleague. Use the student ID number on the form for person lookup. Make sure the name/email address in Colleague matches that on the form. There are many students who do not know their ID, or mistype it. If they do not match, do some investigating to find the right person.
    1. XRIC
      1. XRIC will ask for a course section next. search for the section using term, course prefix, and section number (if available). Ex. 2019FA BIO 151 A
      2. If you do not have all of the appropriate information, or would like to perform a broader search, you can simply enter less information. Ex. 2019FA BIO 151 will bring up all of the BIO 151 sections offered that term, not just a single course (this is especially helpful if a student transposes numbers/letters or enters a section that is slightly off from what is in the system). You can then select the appropriate section from what pops up in your Lookup results.
      3. Hit OK to populate this course information into the main screen, or double-click on the Lookup results if it brings up a list.
      4. XRIC has a second course lookup for certain forms (ex. Time Conflict). If you need a second course, go ahead and enter the section when the Sections Lookup field pops up a second time. If not, just hit OK without entering information to leave it blank. 
      5. For IAW forms on courses that are not yet built, can “finish” through both courses, since there is nothing built to pull from.
      6. You now have all of the available information visible for Perceptive to screen scrape and fill in.
    2. XRIA
      1. XRIA will ask for a student's active program next. The first pop up will always autopopulate (in the background) with the student's primary active program so you can just hit enter without adding any additional information. 
      2. There are currently 3 program lookup on XRIA. The second can be used if the student is dual-degree or to lookup additional chair information for second majors/minors. For example, if the student's primary program is A.BA.POLS, but they are petitioning for a substitution in their history major/minor, use the second program popup to view department info on history by searching for A.BA.HIST
      4. If not additional programs need to be pulled up, simply hit OK to dismiss and leave fields blank
      5. screen shots of XRIA
  2. Screen scraping
    1. Make sure Colleague is the active tab in your browser, and the XRIA/XRIC information is open.
    2. Click golden key logo in the Properties tab to pull Colleague info
      1. Clicking this key will pull the Colleague information into properties in Perceptive. It make take a couple of seconds.
        Every single form, regardless of type, will have these fields. The "Name" and "Unique ID#" fields are automatically generated in Scan & Link and are used as identifiers for the document itself, you do not need to change them. The important Document Keys being scraped over from Colleague are: Colleague ID#, Full Name, and Email. Field 3 remains blank.
        When you link the document, a majority of these will fill in automatically, using the information that you have pulled up in either XRIA or XRIC. (More details on that below)
    3. You may need to update some usernames in custom properties manually. List below is a general reference. Use best judgement or ask owner of the form for clarification if you aren't sure. Workflow specifics available in separate confluence doc. LINK TO WORKFLOW DOC.
      1. Academic Course Overload - XRIA
        1. Normal workflow; use primary program information
      2. Audit a Course - XRIC
        1. Normal workflow; lookup course and scrape that information as-is
        2. CAPS will be added manually if necessary.
      3. CAPS: Exception to the Stated Graduation Requirements - XRIA - Reference: Katrina
        1. For course substitutions (see below in point vii.)
      4. CAPS: Registration Change After the Deadline - XRIC - Reference: Katrina
        1. Normal workflow; routing using course information as-is
        2. Additional tasks will depend on whether form has to go to CAPS or not; if it is recommended to go to CAPS after routing for rest of approvals, can “route anywhere” to CAPS folder – Katrina will manage this, please do not manually move forms without consulting with her first.
      5. Change Sections of a Course After the Deadline - XRIC
        1. Normal workflow; use second lookup box to find second section of course; Scan & Link should scrape over the info for both courses into the appropriate custom property fields
      6. Concurrent Enrollment - XRIA - Reference: Alyssa/Katrina
        1. Normal Workflow
        2. CAPS will be added manually for second instance. 
      7. Course Substitution (Exception to Graduation Requirements) - XRIA
        1. Course Substitution
          1. Check Manually
          2. Department chair should always be the one in charge of the major/minor needing the exception. If exception is related to primary major, general education, overall credits, etc. Then normal workflow is fine and the form can be routed after the initial scan&link.
            1. If exception relates to a second major or any minor with a different department chair than primary major, manually change department chair to the correct department. 
      8. Curriculum Change - XRIA - Reference: Katrina\Katie
        1. Refer to "Approvals Needed" section below if questions arise regarding which type of changes need specific additional approvals.
        2. Depending on the changes being made, workflow will be different. The screen scrape will always pull the current program and advisor, but additional approvers may need to be added. See the sections below:
          1. Regular Curriculum Change form
            1. Primarily used for catalog year changes, degree changes, or dropping majors/minors
            2. Normal workflow
            3. Before processing, check to make sure that all approvals are received; if student filled out form incorrectly, may still need additional approvals. Refer to "Approvals Needed" if questions on what may require additional approvals.
          2. Curriculum Change A
            1. Primarily used for changing colleges
            2. Normal workflow, look up new college/degree (see directions below) for second program line
            3. Dean 2 field for new college should fill automatically; will need to manually enter Advisor 2, use the department chair's ID for this field (copy/paste from the XRIA screen). The department chair will then assign an advisor when the form comes to them for approval, if needed.
          3. Curriculum Change B
            1. Primarily used for adding majors/minors
            2. When scanning/linking, use the additional program lines in XRIA to look up what the student wants to add and pull the information for that department. Will need to manually enter Advisor 2, using the department chair's ID for the departments being added (copy/paste from the XRIA screen). The department chair will then assign an advisor when the form comes to them for approval, if needed.
            3. IF the student is adding more than one major/minor or is also doing a change of degree/college, additional approval tasks will need to be added AFTER the form completes the full approval process and is assigned to sa-registrar. ((Refer to notes on adding new tasks))
      9. Early Entry - XRIA - Reference: Katrina
        1. Normal Workflow. 
        2. Graduate Advisor will always be JHANEY. She will reassign as necessary. (Undergraduate early entry students do not have graduate advisor assigned in Colleague.)
        3. Send through Reg Doc Sort. After approvals received, move it to Early Entry queue to await processing. These forms will sit in queue for months/years so this will keep them out of the way and easily searchable. 
      10. Grad Internship Form - XRIC
        1. Normal workflow, the same as the undergraduate IAW form (see step xi below)
      11. Independent Academic Work - XRIC- Reference: Katrina
        1. Normal workflow; may need to enter course information manually for IAW if it wasn't previously built in Colleague.
          1. Alternatively, if the course is not yet built for that term, you can search for offering in previous years using the course lookup, if it was offered with that same instructor as listed on the form, can use that to pull the username for the instructor; if looking up from a previous term, will need to update the "Term" custom property field to match the form
      12. Individualized Program - XRIA - Reference: Katrina
      13. Pre-Thesis Form - XRIC
        1. Normal workflow; will need to look up/enter the 2nd instructor manually
      14. Readmission or Grad Petition for Readmission
        1. If a student does not have an active program, neither the program nor the college will populate via Scan & Link. Please populate manually so that it will route for the proper approvals.
      15. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading - XRIC- Reference: Katrina
          1. Normal workflow
          2. Check to make sure the course is not in their major/minor field before routing it forward.
            1. The easiest way to check this is to link the form (so all the information is scraped to Perceptive), but do not route forward yet; navigate to SPRO and check the student's active program and any additional majors/minors to make sure the course is not in any of those academic fields.
      16. Thesis Form - XRIC
        1. Normal workflow; as in the pre-thesis form, may need to manually add the 2nd instructor
      17. Time Conflict Permission - XRIC
        1. Normal workflow
        2. Be sure to enter BOTH courses (after entering first course info, enter second course info when course field pops up again)
      18. Transfer Credit Approval - XRIA
        1. Normal Workflow
      19. Verification Request - XRIA
        1. Normal workflow
        2. It's possible to receive requests from alumni or students who are no longer current; please double check to ensure that the Academic 
    4. Once all users are in place, click “route forward” (paper w/blue arrow) at bottom of screen. 
        1. Any fields containing unusual data such as "Inquiry field VAR7," "populated by script," " Window LIST.VAR1 row 1 Inquiry field LIST.VAR11," etc. will cause routing errors and require the form to be resent through workflow from the beginning, even if it was on the last approver in the queue. This delays the form and often causes confusion for those who have already stamped and approved the form, so we prefer to keep these routing errors to a minimum.
        2. Missing information will display as:
        3. The only fields that do not need to be filled in are the "Approve Role" and "Current Approval Level" fields, as those will populate as the form moves through workflow.
      2. ROUTING FORWARD, after the necessary information is scraped over from Colleague and all of the required fields are filled in:
      3. Select "Reg Doc Sort" and then click "Route" to route forward through workflow. (Only do this if the document is totally ready for approvals.)

        This moves the form to Instructor Approvals drawer (if first approver is instructor - usually XRIC) or Advisor Approval drawer (if first approver is primary advisor - usually XRIA); if error (can’t find user, etc), will go to Task Assignment Error drawer.
    5. Perceptive automatically opens next document in queue. Repeat steps for each doc in scan & link queue. 

Curriculum Change Form Approvals

Approvals needed:

The student's primary advisor should always approve the forms so they are built into the workflow as the first approval.

  1. Dropping a major or minor
    1. primary advisor 
  2. Changing catalog year
    1. primary advisor
  3. Changing degree type only (with primary major staying the same)
    1. primary advisor 
    2. This is allowed only for science majors that can be either BA or BS. ex) biology, chemistry, psychology, etc.
  4. Adding an additional major or minor
    1. primary advisor
    2. department chair  of each new major/minor must approve 
  5. changing colleges
    1. primary advisor
    2. New college dean 
    3. Old college dean
    4. department chair of new primary major - (Keep in mind, some professional colleges do not have department chairs, in which case the new college Dean will be used)

Current departments as of 4/22/19:

Department chairs are listed in catalog, and a more current list is also maintained on the Provost website here:

Looking up department chair usernames for additional majors/minors

  1. XRIA

XRIA automatically pulls in a student's active program. If that is the only program needed, simply hit OK. If department chair information for an additional program(s) is needed, it can be searched via the academic program lookup pop up. 

To pull the department chair of an additional major/minor, pull up any program in the same department as that major/minor. For example, if a student is adding a theology minor, type ...theo... 

This will pull up any programs containing the code THEO, and you can select any active program in that department that will provide us with the department chair. You can also find other majors within that department in catalog which can used for lookup purposes.  This lookup does not make any changes to the student record. It is for screen scraping purposes only so you can pull any undergraduate program at all that shares a department chair and dean. 


We now have the department chair information from colleague and a username that can be copy/pasted into the appropriate custom property field in Perceptive. 

Legacy Scan & Link:

The S Drive has a Legacy Scan & Link folder. When documents are placed in the folder, they will show up in the Legacy Scan & Link queue in Perceptive. The import folder is located at: "S:\REGISTRAR\Imports\ImageNow Legacy Imports"

Once the documents show up in the Perceptive queue you can open one and select the correct document type from the drop down menu. Once a document type has been selected you can Scan & Link using the XRIA screen in Colleague. There should not be any custom properties associated with 

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