AUP - Acceptable, Collegial, and Unacceptable Use

Acceptable Use Policy – Acceptable, Collegial, and Unacceptable Use

This policy describes the boundaries for use of computing resources at Valparaiso University.

Valparaiso University computing and information technology resources are to be used appropriately and in a manner consistent with the instructional, research, and administrative objectives of the University.

Acceptable use of resources includes:

  • Instruction;
  • Independent study;
  • Official work of faculty, staff, students, offices and departments;
  • Official work of recognized student and campus organizations;
  • Official work of agencies of the University;
  • Occasional or incidental noncommercial, personal use by authorized users.

Valparaiso University and the Internet computing resources are shared resources, which need to be used collegially.

Collegial use includes:

  • Using common sense;
  • Using resources responsibly, for authorized purposes, and in an approved manner;
  • Observing standards of decency;
  • Respecting the privacy of others;
  • Respecting the rights and wishes of others in the use of sounds and visuals in public areas;
  • Being sensitive to the impact of your traffic on network performance;
  • Practicing good stewardship of connect time, information storage space, printing facilities, processing capacity, and network services.

Valparaiso University’s computing and information technology resources are of substantial benefit to everyone in the University community. However, your benefit could be diminished appreciably if only a few people were to misuse these resources.

Examples of unacceptable use may include, but are not limited to:

  • Any use that violates
    • Local, state and/or federal laws;
    • Copyrights or other intellectual property rights (see this section);
    • License agreements;
    • Purchase agreements;
    • Acceptable use agreements of any other entity traversed or used through Valparaiso University resources.
  • Posting, distributing, and/or propagating
    • Unsolicited advertising;
    • Computer worms or viruses;
    • Chain letters;
    • Material copyrighted by another;
    • Fraudulent or misleading information;
    • Libelous, slanderous, threatening, or harassing materials of any description;
    • Any materials that demean, defame, or ridicule another person on the basis of gender, race, ethnic background, national origin, religion, or (actual or presumed) sexual orientation;
    • Obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or patently offensive materials;
    • Any materials contrary to the mission or values of the University.
  • Attempting, whether successful or not
    • To enter another network node without authorization;
    • To enter another’s account, files, or file space without authorization;
    • To modify any software or information without authorization;
    • To conceal or falsify one’s identity in any electronic communication or activity;
    • To intercept network traffic intended for nodes other than your own;
    • To set up, operate, or maintain a server, network analysis tool, or network management tool on the VU network without authorization;
    • To use any Internet Protocol (IP) address inside or outside the VU domain(s) without prior approval;
    • To damage or destroy any equipment, software, or data.
  • Any use that
    • Is illegal, immoral, unethical, or dishonest in nature;
    • Unreasonably denies or could deny access or service to others, including excessive use for recreational games or personal purposes;
    • Is for commercial purposes or personal gain;
    • Promotes a political position or cause celebre;
    • Interferes with the University’s activities or the University-related activities of any authorized user;
    • Is, or could reasonably be expected to be, damaging to the reputation of the University.

Alleged violations of the Acceptable Use Policy will be handled in accordance with this section.

Version Date Comment
Current Version (v. 4) Sept 14, 2017 17:47 Former user
v. 3 Sept 14, 2017 16:48 Former user
v. 2 Sept 14, 2017 15:01 Former user
v. 1 Sept 14, 2017 15:01 Former user