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Department: Interlibrary Loan

Procedure: Purchase on Demand

Rev. 8 October 2008

Rev. 6 September 2012

Purpose: This procedure describes how we will implement our Purchase on Demand policy

Overview: Many libraries will not lend recent imprints. Rather than have our patrons wait until we can find a library to fill these requests, the library has developed a Purchase on Demand program. This procedure explains the steps done by Interlibrary loan staff to order these materials and track them. The last step in the process is to forward the materials to Technical Services, where they will be cataloged like any other purchase.

Required Knowledge/Skills: Basic understanding of bibliographic records. Knowledge of ILLIAD, OCLC Connexion, and Millennium.

Equipment/Supplies: Networked PC loaded with the above software.

Procedure (**Law Note Below)

1. When a request comes in that meets the publication date guidelines of the Purchase on Demand (PoD) policy, those items will be automatically routed to a PoD queue within ILLiad.

2. The ILLM will check catalog holdings prior to any purchasing to be sure that the title has not been ordered.

3. Assuming the request meets all of the guidelines listed in the PoD policy, the Interlibrary Loan Manager (ILLM) will order a copy of the item from Amazon or another vendor, charging the item to the ILL department credit card. The shipping label must indicate that the book is to be delivered to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) office.

4. If the item does NOT meet the PoD policy criteria, the ILLM may attempt to get the request via regular ILL assuming it meets ILL criteria.

5. When the Amazon order is placed, the ILLM will make brief bib and order records within Millennium for the item, entering the fund code “ill” and leaving the received date field blank. To do this:

a. Open OCLC Connexion and login.

b. Search in Connexion by cutting and pasting the ISBN from the Amazon record into the OCLC search box.

• If the search results in more than one hit, choose the most complete record, or the one with Encoding level 1 or I.

• If all records have the same degree of completion, choose the one with the most holdings.

• If all records have the same number of holdings and the same degree of completion, choose an individually created record over one that is batch loaded.

c. Add the correct 949 field to the OCLC record. Type <ctrl>u to bring up the “constant data” dialog box.

• For a book order from Amazon, type illbook.

• For a DVD order from Amazon, type illdvd.

• Type enter.

• The 949 fields may be edited for other material types and vendors. Check Millennium for the correct codes.

d. Reformat the record by clicking on the Reformat icon.

e. Download the record by typing <F5> or clicking on the download icon. Check the download screen carefully to make sure the record downloaded successfully, that Millennium did not report any duplicates, and that you did not overlay on another record.

6. Once the item arrives, it may be processed like any other ILL borrowing request. Because there is no lending library, the ILLM must put in a due date, or else the patron will not receive overdue notices.

7. After the patron returns the item, the ILLM will flag it with the Millennium order record number and put it on the receiving truck in Technical Services.

• If a book could potentially go into the Stager collection, the ILLM should consult with the appropriate liaison (Jon Bull). If it is decided that it should be a Stager book, make an indication of that in a note within the order record.

8. The Technical Services staff will receive and catalog the item just like any other purchase.

Department: Interlibrary Loan

Policy: Purchase On Demand Criteria

30 September 2008

Rev. 6 September 2012

Many libraries will not lend recent imprints. Rather than have our patrons wait until we can find a library to fill these requests, the library is developing a Purchase on Demand program. Valparaiso University’s Purchase on Demand pilot project will begin September 2008. When patrons request new items published in the current or previous two calendar years, those items will be purchased through Amazon instead of going through normal ILL borrowing, assuming the requests meet the following criteria.

Not Allowed

• textbooks (if in doubt, call the bookstore to verify if a book is required for a class)

• dissertations

• test prep materials

• computer manuals

• audio CDs (music, books on tape)

• dictionaries, encyclopedias, workbooks

• Juvenile books

• obvious popular titles that we wouldn't collect anyway (e.g. 3-hour diet: how low-carbs make you fat, or The Automatic Millionaire Workbook)

Years Allowed

• Current calendar year plus two previous calendar years (ex. In 2012, 2010-2012 books will be purchased)

Price/Format Restrictions

• price limit: $100 for Christopher Center.

• Paperback is the preferred format

• Fiction, DVD/VHS are allowed, purchase DVD if available according to Acquisitions policies.

**Note:*Law opted out of PoD 31 August 2012 per e-mail Emily JanoskiHaehlen

  • No labels