The library compiles and reports various statistics every year.
This outlines how to find checkout and renewal statistics and where they are reported.
Required Knowledge/Skills
Safety Issues/Precautions
Access to Sierra Web Reports
Access to the Sdrive
- Open the "Annual data from Circulation" spreadsheet found at S:\CCLS\Statistics\Circulation
- All Data should be recorded under the "Raw Data" column.
- After opening Sierra and using personal sign in click on "Web Management Reports" under "Reports" in the upper toolbar.
- This will open Web Management Reports in a new web browser tab
- In the lefthand toolbar under "CIrculation" click on "Circ Activity".
- You will need to use your personal Sierra login access this.
- This will open a new toolbar on the left side.
- For Check out you will do the following:
- In the new toolbar under "Circ Stats" click on "Checkout"
- Under "Dates" click on "User spec"
- Under "Locations" click on "Special"
- Scroll to the bottom of the toolbar and click on submit.
- In the date screen, click on July of previous year and June of current year.
- Click on submit.
- Two reports will need to be run for Checkout and Renewal to capture all needed data.
- On the next screen, type in the following Location Codes:
- cgen3
- cgen4
- cars0
- cars1
- cmerd
- cmevi
- cgeat
- cgest
- cgeus
- cmecd
- Click on Submit
- When the statistic table comes up write down the following numbers found in the "QTY" column grouped as follows.
- Faculty:
- Faculty, Prof. Emeritus
- Faculty-Music
- Library Faculty
- Students:
- Undergraduates
- Grad Students
- VU Special Student
- Staff:
- Staff, VIsiting Scholars
- Attorneys, Law Alumni
- Regular Fee
- Alumni
- Family, Courtesy
- Library Staff
- Click on "Recaluculate" to get the rest of the needed data;
- The last of the Locations are as follows:
- cmega
- cmedi
- cmepr
- cmero
- cmesp
- Click on "Status"
- There will be fewer groups, but following the groupings in steps 17-19 write down the number of checkouts listed in "QTY"
- Add up the numbers for each grouping and record them in the statistic spreadsheet, for each group.
- For Renewals change Checkout to Renewal
- Click on Recalculate;
- Follow Steps 15-25
- For Reserves Checkouts
- In the left toolbar click back on Checkout
- Recalculate
- In the next table use the following location codes
- cresg
- cresm
- Put the total on the statistic spreadsheet in the correct location.
- For Reserve Renewals
- Change Checkout to Renewal
- Recalculate
- Follow Steps 32 and 33
- For Laptop Checkouts and Renewals
- Click on recalculate both"Checkout" and "Renewal" tables as above using the cmeeq as the only location code.
- Add both the Checkout and Renewal together and record them in the Statistic Spreadsheet.
- Save and close the spreadsheet.