Valpo Time & Effort Instructions and Paper Form
Valparaiso University - Time and Effort Reporting Form for Grants
Federal regulations (The Office of Management and Budget 2 CFR Subpart E, Part 200.430) mandate that university employees whose salaries and wages, both direct costs and in-kind matches, are related to federally sponsored grants must maintain records of their time and effort. These records will be maintained by Valparaiso University to comply with federal regulations and to provide documentation in the event of a federal audit.
Calculating Time and Effort
Please complete this form at the end of each semester when some of your paid, worked hours were spent on external grant tasks that were either charged directly to or considered part of a cost share/match. The employee completes the form and delivers it to the manager (PI) of the grant. As an example, if you worked 500 hours during a semester and you spent 300 hours teaching, 150 hours on grant 26-0199100 and 50 hours on grant 25-0299250 you report 60% for Non-sponsored activities, 30% on grant 26-0199100, and 10% on grant 25-0299250. Your percentages need to add up to 100%.
As another example, let’s review how a faculty member would report their summer semester efforts. A faculty member worked one month (estimated 160 worked hours) on tasks related to grant 26-0199100 and was also paid 20 hours additional compensation for leading a student summer camp. The faculty member should report 89% for 26-0199100 and 11% on the Non-sponsored activities line. All payments related to a 9-month faculty contract (payments spread over 12 months) are not part of the calculation because payments for those hours were worked during the academic year and not the summer semester. We only report on paid, worked hours during the semester.
The grant’s Principal Investigator (PI) must confirm the effort of others contributing to his/her project by signing the Confirmation Signature line. If the PI completes the form for themselves (signing the Employee Signature line), then his/her Department Chair or Dean would sign the Confirmation Signature line.
Due Dates
The PI returns all their employees completed forms to Steve Timm by January 15th (for Fall Semester reports), May 31st (for Spring Semester reports), and September 15th (for Summer Semester reports).
Use the Notes section at the bottom of the form to explain any relevant information that you feel is necessary to certify the times reported. If you have further questions, please contact Steve Timm by e-mail ( or phone (x5635).
Sample Time and Effort Reporting Form
Department, Program or Office:
Year Reporting:
Period Reporting: Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer
For Summer Semester Only – Total # of Months Worked:
Role(s) for grant(s):
Multiple roles on different grants (please explain roles in Notes box.)
Please provide a percentage breakdown on your professional activities within the below categories. The total percentage must equal 100%. Base your percentages on your actual paid, worked hours not on how many months were in the semester.
Activity Effort (%)
Non-sponsored activities (including teaching, advising, administrative
work, and non-sponsored research, scholarship and creative works.) %
Internally Sponsored Projects %
Grant Funder’s Name (Grant Account # ) %
Grant Funder’s Name (Grant Account # ) %
Grant Funder’s Name (Grant Account # ) %
Total Effort (must equal 100%) %
To the best of my understanding, I certify that the information provided is correct.
________________________________________ _______
Employee Signature Date
________________________________________ _______
Confirmation Signature Date