Upgrading Perusall in Blackboard (Current Users)

Upgrading Perusall in Blackboard (Current Users)

FOR INSTRUCTORS: Resources for returning users for transitioning to the new Learning Tool Integration using Perusall in Blackboard. 

Perusall Support             Blackboard Learn Help

Useful Help Articles:

Overview of LMS integration

Copying courses: how do I use Perusall to teach the same course again?

How do I transition my Perusall course from an LTI 1.1 integration to LTI 1.3?

Why aren't my grades syncing back to the LMS?

What instructions can I provide to students?



For additional help and support, submit a CITAL Help Desk Ticket: https://helpdesk.valpo.edu/servicedesk/customer/portal/7

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For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.