Enrolling Acadeum Students in Blackboard

Enrolling Acadeum Students in Blackboard

Monitor the delegated Acadeum Support Gmail account. This is the account where administrator(s) receive Enrollment Notification emails as an alert to enroll Acadeum students into the course(s) that they will be taking at Valparaiso University.

1. Open the email with the subject line, “You have accepted enrollment requests.” This email will contain all of the student’s information that is needed to enroll them into their course.

2. In a new window, open Blackboard Learn.

3. Click System Admin.

4. Click Users.

5. Click Create User.

6. Using the student information in the Acadeum enrollment email that is already opened in another browser window, complete the following fields in Blackboard:

First Name: Student’s first name

Last Name: Student’s last name

Email: Student’s institution email

Student ID: ACAD-TERM-Lastname (e.g. ACAD-2021S2R-Smith)

Username: Lowercase first.last (e.g. jane.smith)

Password: CollegeID# (no spaces) (e.g. Valparaiso123456)

System Roles: Acadeum Students

First Name: Student’s first name

Last Name: Student’s last name

Email: Student’s institution email

Student ID: ACAD-TERM-Lastname (e.g. ACAD-2021S2R-Smith)

Username: Lowercase first.last (e.g. jane.smith)

Password: CollegeID# (no spaces) (e.g. Valparaiso123456)

System Roles: Acadeum Students

7. Click Submit.

8. Click System Admin.

9. Click Courses.

10. Search for the course that is listed in the Acadeum enrollment email.

11. Click the gray chevron next to the Course ID and select Enrollments from the menu.

12. Click Enroll Users.

13. Browse for the student based on the username that you previously entered.

14. Click Submit.

15. Once the student has been enrolled in the course, send the following email to the student’s email as listed in the Acadeum enrollment email. Please ensure that the student’s name, username, and password have been included prior to sending the email:

TO: Student email BCC: Bharath Ganesh Babu

SUBJECT: Acadeum Welcome Email


We are pleased that you’ll be joining us at Valparaiso University while you take one of our courses offered through Acadeum! We are committed to ensuring that you feel comfortable during your time with us by providing helpful information that you’ll need to get started.

At this time your registration has been completed. As a guest student, you will never receive billing statements from Valparaiso University and you will never need to render any additional fees to our institution. For questions about billing and/or financial aid information, you must contact your school.

In preparation for the start of your course, we have created a Blackboard account for you and enrolled you in the course already! You can access Blackboard anytime at blackboard.valpo.edu. Here are your login credentials:

Username: firstname.lastname

Password: InstitutionID#

If you happen to login and you do not see your course, this typically means that the instructor has not made the class visible to students yet. Rest assured, your instructor will make the course accessible by the official first day of class. In the event that your course is not visible on the first day of class and/or if you have general course-related questions, please contact your instructor directly. For any non-course related concerns, please contact acadeum@valpo.com and a support team member will assist with your need(s).

Feel free to reach out to me anytime with your Blackboard questions. I look forward to our future communications should you ever need my assistance!

Best Regards,

First & Last Name

Blackboard Administrator

(219) 464 – 9999

16. Lastly, send the following email to the instructor of the course, ensuring that all bold items in this template have been customized:

TO: Faculty Email BCC: Bharath Ganesh Babu

SUBJECT: Acadeum Student Enrollment

Dear Professor [FACULTY NAME],

As you might already know, Valparaiso University has recently joined the Acadeum network as a teaching institution. What this means is that students from other universities that are also part of this network are able to enroll in courses at our institution for various reasons, such as the course that they currently need is not offered at this present time at their college, or maybe because they need an additional course to meet their institution’s minimum GPA requirement. Whatever the case may be, Valpo is pleased to be able to share our courses with students who are seeking to advance in their educational journey.

Please allow this email to serve as a friendly notification that [STUDENT NAME] is an Acadeum student who has recently been enrolled in your [TERM CODE-COURSE NAME] course. All that you need to do on your end is immediately contact [STUDENT FIRST NAME] at the following email address to ensure your direct contact information has been provided: [STUDENT EMAIL]. Considering that this might be their first online course experience at Valpo, I hope that you will be intentional in making this student feel as welcomed as possible!

Should an Acadeum student ever have questions that are non-course related, please refer the student to support@acadeum.com so that the support team can further assist with their need(s). If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this email!

Happy Teaching,

First & Last Name

Blackboard Administrator

For further assistance, submit a CITAL Help Desk Ticket.

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