How to update a Course Master & Sections after the syllabi have been published



Special Note: For Simple Syllabus Course Designers.

This article gives step-by-step instructions for updating a course master after a section-level syllabus has been published and how to update the section-level syllabus to inherit the course master update(s.)


What happens when updating a course master after the syllabi have been published?

Suppose a course section has already been submitted and published and a change(s) was made to a component in the course master afterward. In that case, the corresponding component in the course section Simple Syllabus must be reset to inherit the course master change(s.)

This is an example of a course master and a course section that are complete. It is easy to distinguish a course master from a course section. The course master does not have a section letter. The course section has a section letter A associated with it.

After adding this text to the Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives component and submitting this course master, the course section will not inherit this update until the Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives component in the course section is reset.

Course Master


Course Section & Reset


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