Technology Purchasing Policy (hardware/software/audio-visual)

Technology Purchasing Policy (hardware/software/audio-visual)


Information Technology (IT) is charged with supporting university-owned computer hardware, software, services,  and peripherals in ways that meet the university’s strategic priorities and support the mission of the college.  IT is responsible for maintaining the university network, servers, workstations, software, and peripherals. And is tasked with maintaining quality at reasonable costs.  This policy establishes standards, guidelines, and procedures for purchasing university technologies regardless of the funding source.

All technology-related purchases must go through the IT Department, regardless of the funding source.   IT purchases sustainable technologies, compatible with existing systems and can be efficiently supported.  As a result, IT has numerous agreements with hardware, software, network vendors, service agencies, multimedia companies, software developers, etc. Centralized purchasing of technology hardware and software ensures: 

  1. compatibility with campus network environment;

  2. compliance with campus technology security policy;

  3. suitability based on assessment;

  4. licensing compliance for software purchase;

  5. hardware and software that can be efficiently supported;

  6. availability of sufficient resources (including initial and recurring costs);

Standardization allows the university to efficiently select and manage technology, obtain better technology pricing, reduce maintenance costs and increase access to training and assistance.  These standards are re-evaluated periodically based on common needs, vendor offerings, cost, reliability, supportability, quality, sustainability, and timeliness of vendor response.   The IT Department must justify the purchase of non-standard technology components. The university reserves the right not to reimburse or support the purchase of any technology-related item without the prior consent of the IT Department. 

Technology Purchasing Procedures

All university technology requests are processed through the ITicket system regardless of the general ledger account.  To facilitate turn-around, and to give the best possible service, please have the following information available or included when submitting a request:

  • Quantities

  • Complete item description(s)

  • General Ledger account to be charged

  • Date needed

Requests should be submitted with sufficient time to obtain price quotations and place orders without causing undue delay. Please provide as much lead time as possible. When an order is ready to be placed, the IT department will enter the requisition, then the budget manager for the general ledger account will add the GL number to the requisition. Adding the general ledger account number to the requisition will serve as departmental approval of the purchase. A purchase order will be prepared and sent to the vendor of record. IT will maintain the PO documentation retention. If IT supports the technology you are purchasing, then we will also coordinate delivery and setup.

Technology Project Purchasing Procedures

From time to time, large scale projects occur across campus. Examples include departmental moves, office renovations, classroom technology upgrades, and telephone upgrades. All university technology project requests are processed through the ITicket system regardless of the general ledger account.  To facilitate turn-around, and to give the best possible service, please complete the Technology Purchasing Request Spreadsheet. Enter the corresponding information in each column and submit as an attachment to the ITicket or share with the IT purchasing agent. When an order is ready to be placed, the IT department will enter the requisition and the GL account holder will add the GL number to the requisition. Adding the general ledger account number to the requisition will serve as departmental approval of the purchase. A purchase order will be prepared and sent to the vendor of record. IT will maintain the PO documentation retention.

If IT supports the technology you are purchasing, then we will also coordinate delivery and setup. 

All IT purchases on behalf of Athletics will be shipped to Kretzmann Hall. Athletics will be contacted to pick up their purchases after they are checked in.

Specialized or High Volume Requests

It is understood that certain departments may need to use their own vendors to order specialized equipment or software. We ask that you still include the IT department with the purchase. We may need to assist with setup, and we need to be aware of any software.   Requests for large numbers of computers, standard configurations with additional components, or requests for non-standard equipment may require several weeks’ notice. Equipment orders from vendors typically range from 1 to 4 weeks from order to delivery, depending on the unit or components ordered. 

Software, Cloud Services, Licensing Request

All university software, cloud services, and licensing requests are also processed through the ITicket system, regardless of the general ledger account. Please click here to access detailed information regarding the Software Purchase Standard Operating Procedures. It is important to note that funding for specialized departmental software, enterprise systems, cloud services, and/or licensing is the responsibility of the department submitting the request. This also includes the future year(s) maintenance/licensing on such products. The IT Department will work with the Finance Office to process a permanent budget transfer from the requesting department to the IT maintenance line budget. Please contact IT with any questions. 

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