In the grade center, a column’s menu can be accessed by clicking the chevron
to the right of an item’s name. Each column's menu displays options specific for that column. The following options may be available:Option | Description |
Quick Column Information | Displays information about the column in a pop-up window. |
Send Reminder | You can send email reminders from Grade Center columns to students and members of groups who have missing coursework. |
Change Due Date | Modify the due date and/or time for this item. |
Grade Attempts | Provide a grade for an attempt made for this item. |
Grade with User Names Hidden | Provide grades for this item with student identities hidden. |
Assignment File Download | Select and download files students have attached to their assignments. |
Assignment File Cleanup | Select and delete the files attached to an assignment. |
View Grade History | Displays the date and time that each student’s assignment was graded, students’ submission date and time, grade value issued, and comments provided to each student. |
Edit Column Information | Displays the Edit Column page for this column. |
Column Statistics | Displays the Column Statistics page for this column. Statistics include column details, status distribution, grade distribution, and basic statistics, such as range, average, median, and variance. |
Set as External Grade *The external grade is the definitive grade reported to Starfish; only one column can be set as the External Grade. | The results in the External Grade column are shared with your institution as your students' final grades for your course. You decide which column is set as the external grade. In new courses, the default Total column is the default external grade column, and the External Grade icon appears in the column header. |
Hide from Students (on/off) | Hide this column from users. If you hide the column, the column remains in the Grade Center grid, but your students won't see it in My Grades. In the grid, the Column Not Visible to Users icon appears in the column header for any column hidden from students. Select again to show the column to users. |
Clear Attempts for All Users | Displays a separate window where you can clear attempts for all users. You can clear attempts based on criteria or a date range. |
Sort Ascending/Sort Descending | Display the items in the column in an ascending or descending order. |
Hide from Instructor View | Hides the column from view in the Grade Center. To show the column, select the Manage menu and select Column Organization. |