Versions Compared


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The faculty handbook requires that each faculty member be evaluated each year “for the formative purposes of achieving and maintaining excellence as a member of the faculty, and for the summative purposes of reappointment, promotion, tenure, and salary recommendations” (section  The Faculty Activities Report/Chair's Evaluation form was created by the College of Arts & Sciences leadership team to streamline this evaluation process. The Faculty Activities Report/Chair's Evaluation form speaks directly to merit pay increases. These instructions explain how to access, complete, and share the form.  


Process Overview: 


Form Actions


Faculty member completes Faculty Activities/Chair's Evaluation side of the form

Faculty member shares form with Dept. Chair


Dept. Chair completes Faculty Activities/Chair's Evaluation side of the form

Dept. Chair schedules evaluation meeting with Faculty member


Dept. Chair and Faculty member engage in evaluation meeting

Dept. Chair and Faculty member edit form together, if needed

Dept. Chair shares final form with the Administrative Assistant to the Dean (at the end of the meeting)

STEP 1: Form Actions Completed by Faculty Member

1a. Open the Faculty Activities/Chair's Evaluation form. Click File, Make a Copy, to create a copy of the form for your use.


titleTIP: Use CTRL Enter to start a new line and Alt 7 to insert a bullet point

When typing in the cell, press CTRL Enter to add a new line within a cell. To insert a bullet point, press Alt 7.  

3. Enter your name and the date in the fields at the end of the form.  


titleTIP: Create a Google Folder

Follow these instructions to create a Google Folder on your Google Drive where you may move the annual Faculty Activities/Chairs Evaluation form

STEP 2: Form Actions Completed by Dept. Chair

1. Click on the Google menu, then Google Drive to search for the Faculty Activities/Chair's Evaluation forms that have been shared with you


titleTIP: Use CTRL Enter to Start New Paragraph

When typing in the cell, press CTRL Enter to add a new line within a cell 

3. Enter your name and the date in the fields at the end of the form 

4. Schedule a one-on-one meeting with the faculty member to discuss both sides of the form together

STEP 3: Form Reviewed by Faculty Member & Dept. Chair 

1. Dept. Chair and Faculty member engage in evaluation meeting
