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Creating Groups for Students with Common Accommodations

  1. In the Course Management menu at the bottom of the left menu bar, select Users and Groups, then click on Groups.


2. On the Groups page, select Create.

3. In the Single Group list, select Self-Enroll or Manual Enroll.


step one click create step two click manual enrollImage Added

4. Type a name and optional description. Make the group visible to the group and then change the visibility to noImage Removed


5. Skip to the bottom of the page and find the Membership section. Choose Add Members.add usersImage Removed


6. Choose the students from the pop-up screen. Click Submit and then Submit on the original screen.

Allowing Additional Time for Students with Accommodations

  1. When setting up your assessment (test, quiz, exam), on the Test Options page, find the Test Availability Section.

  2. Check the box for Set Timer and type in the minutes given for the majority of the students. You will set the timer for the students with accommodations in the subsequent steps.


  1. test availability exampleImage Added

3. Locate the Test Availability Exceptions section (about halfway down the page). Click on Add        User or Group.

a. Choose individual students from the list, or…

b. Choose a group (usually listed under the student names) that was created in first section above

c. Click Submit



4. The student(s), or group, will now appear under the Add User or Group button. You may now make exceptions for the student(s) or groups.

a. Modification options are shown below with descriptions.

b. If no change is made to an option, the options for the entire class will be applied.

test availability exceptionsImage Modified

The above fields adjust the following values:


Availability: Customize the availability for a different time slot

5. Once all of your test options are complete, Click Submit on the bottom of the Test Options page.


For additional assistance, contact the CITAL Help Desk.

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