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Blackboard includes a feature where you can upload, download, copy or move, search, delete, and share files across multiple courses you teach that you use in your course content such as documents, videos, power points, etc. Managing your blackboard files is good practice. It helps with conserving the university’s network storage capacity, recycling files, and making backup copies of your work. 

This article will demonstrate how to download, upload and delete files from a blackboard course.


Download Files


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example of ability to create folders and moreImage Removed

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To download and individual file, you Click on it.

select download packageImage Removed

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click downloadImage Removed

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right click and select extract allImage Removed

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open extract button then select extractImage Removed

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select downloadsImage Removed

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Upload Files

upload filesImage Removed

browse local filesImage Removed



Delete Files

Sometimes files can get duplicated especially when copying courses from one semester to another. This can cause Blackboard courses to increase in size quickly and this is something you should want to avoid. If you see duplicate files, you have the ability to delete them.

(Special Note: Deleting a file in blackboard cannot be undone. Extra caution should be taken. Always download a copy of the file to your computer first as a backup before deleting it in the event you need to restore a file.)

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select OKImage Removed

file successfully deleted exampleImage Removed

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