chat reference
check out (“Check out your books at the circulation desk.”)
databases (not electronic indexes, indexes, or any other variation)
dropdown menu
email reference
faculty (use as plural form and only when discussing levels of privileges; use “instructor” for singular references to faculty. Ex: Staff and faculty: Bring your OneCard to the library’s Circulation Desk).
full text (ex: to see full text of this article, …) NOUN
full-text (ex: The full-text version of this article…) ADJECTIVE
Reserves (Please specify Course Reserves when it is the first mention on a page).
in process
instructor (preferred to faculty, professor, teacher)
library (although when referring to our library, write the Library)
library catalog (not Galileo)
Sign in Not “sign on.” VERB (ex: You will be asked to sign in.)
ADJECTIVE (Your sign-in information is available.)
Sign out (ex: Do not forget to sign out)
Sign-out (ex: the sign-out instructions are on page 2) ADJECTIVE
off campus (ex: If you are off campus, …)
off-campus (ex: For off-campus access,…) ADJECTIVE
on order
password (not PIN)
public computers
proxy server
shelved in the…/located in the… (not housed in the….)
university (although when referring to Valpo, write the University)
web site