- New hire
- Submit a completed and signed Notice of Employment form
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- Current Employee
- If your applicant is a current VU employee who will be transferring positions, submit a completed and signed Change of Information form via email to Human.Resources@Valpo.edu..
Step 7: Offer Letter
- A job offer cannot be made until the applicant has passed his/her background check.
- Upon receiving the Notice of Employment form, the Office of Human Resources will submit the Notice of Employment form to the Finance department for approval.
- Upon receiving Finance's approval, the Office of Human Resource Services will generate an offer letter.
- Name and address of candidate
- Official title of position
- Start date
- Compensation
- Any other special circumstances (e.g. paid moving expenses)
- Human Resources will send a copy of the offer letter to be reviewed by the department before sending the offer letter to the applicant.