Purpose: The Christopher Center has seven eleven (711) black easels available for checkout.
Overview: The seven eleven(711) easels can be checked out and used for displays. These can be taken from the Christopher Center as long as they are checked out to the patron.
Required Knowledge/Skills: MillenniumSierra
Safety Issues/Precautions: N/A
Equipment/Supplies: Easels, MillenniumSierra
1. Each easel has a barcode attached to it.
a. Scan patrons ID under the ‘Circulation Desk’ function in MillenniumSierra
b. Scan barcode on easel
c. Check that easel has two (2) black pegs.
a. Scan barcode on easel under the “Check In’ function in MillenniumSierra
b. Make sure that there are two (2) black pegs with the easel