1. Make sure staff have a copy of the self-evaluation outline or can access it electronically.
2. Establish a deadline for them to complete their self-evaluations if one has not already been established by Library Administration.
3. Collect the staff self-evaluation documents and consult them when writing up the performance review. You may reference the employee’s self-evaluation in your document. See below for guidelines in completing the performance review.
4. Set up a time to discuss the staff member’s performance review.
5. Give the employee the written performance review at the time of the meeting. If the employee’s self-evaluation is referenced in the written performance review, make sure a copy of the self-evaluation is attached. You may allow the employee to read the performance review first and then discuss it, or you may read and discuss it together. You may make hand-written notes, changes or amendments on the performance review during the meeting if appropriate.
6. Both you and the employee should sign and date the performance review at the end of the meeting.
7. Make a copy of the signed performance review and give it to the employee.
8. Give the original signed performance review to the Library Administrative Assistant in an envelope labeled “CONFIDENTIAL”.